Saturday, March 13, 2010

Day Wear

This is the normal day wear for Port Charlotte, FL.  We are so lucky to live here.  Actually he is missing the usual black dress socks, which really sets off the outfit.

Have a good weekend everybody.


Woman in a Window said...

He's a cutie, Char. Glad he opted out of the socks, though. Have a good one yourself.


Anonymous said...

Knee socks with the stripes at the top would rock too. :) This is too funny.

buffalodick said...

Good part about getting older- you don't care what other people think about what you wear!

Kathryn Magendie said...

Yes! where are the socks? *laughing*!

glnroz said...

oh not totally dressed...I would add argyle socks and red suspenders. Now that would be "set off"..

bernthis said...

and this is the type of man that wants to date me.

♥ Braja said...


Sweet Cottage Dreams said...

LOL!!! I love the shirt! I'd love living there, too!

:) Becky

Lille Diane said...

LOL I am finding myself more a slave to comfort than fashion. Freedom to be me rocks... But I'm still not up for the Birkenstocks yet!! LOL

Fowl Ideas said...

What would the aliens think of that shirt?